Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Well, we finally bit the bullet and did it!  Kayakers of the world, look out!  And I mean it,  really, look out!!!  I knew the minute our instructor/person who took our money, put life jackets on us and pushed us out to the river said, "everyone loves it and it is so easy" we were in trouble. I don't know about anyone else, but when I hear those two phrases, it's always like the kiss of death.... Oh yeah, our instructor also mentioned that after a few minutes in the kayak, we would be feeling "as one" with this lofty boat and gliding smoothly into the sunset.  Okay, sounded great to us!!

I suppose you are beginning to get the picture of our little escapade......  and while it was definitely memorable, I'm not so sure we'll be running to the kayak store anytime soon.  

Now don't get me wrong, it was beautiful and our instructor was actually really great and will be one of our new neighbors!  Perhaps it's my own vision of how old I am and my physical strength verses reality.  I'm beginning to think I need some realigning in this department.....  

We actually did pretty well as long as we were traveling downstream.  That was really fun.  The tricky part came when we had to go back, ergo upstream!  I don't care what anyone said, there WAS a strong current on the way back in, even if no else could see it!  After spinning around in a circle a few dozen times or more, I finally got myself facing toward shore and the very long trip back was pretty tough.  I continually debated with Blair as to whether he should go for help or if I should just get out of the darn thing and push it.  Out of sheer will to avoid complete humiliation I managed to finally to find a spot in the river that the current wasn't that strong and made it back.    End of story?  Well, not quite....getting out of those things are really tricky!!  I couldn't get out.  My behind just wasn't getting the instructions and the more Blair tried to lift me out, the funnier I thought it was.  It was only when people started gathering that I realized that I needed to do something and quickly.  So, I did what any person who felt like they had just swum the English Channel for the first time would do.  I crawled out, ugh!  At least no one applauded, I don't think anyway.... I'm not sure, I was too busy licking my wounds.....

Anyway, all in all we did have fun and are looking forward to doing more sports.  We were antiquing and visiting yard sales this weekend and we were thrilled to find 2 pair of cross country skis!  What luck!!  Can't you just see us now, gliding across the countryside, side by side, enjoying the beauty???

Winter Olympics, look out!!!  And count yourselves forewarned!!

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