Tuesday, August 7, 2012


                                                      (but eating my way through it) 

My hubby definitely knows how to cheer me up !!  The other morning he  saw that I was dragging a bit, and suggested we head out for some brunch.  I tried to down play it, but... OKAY!!!  We only had to travel a short distance before we found what was obviously a local diner.  The place was clean, friendly and packed but for good reason. The food was AMAZING!!!!   I’m sorry, that’s wrong, it was AMAZING!!!   I actually had to take a picture of their chalk board with all their different kinds of pancakes.  The one I thought most original were the raspberry-almond pancakes although  I finally  chose the lemon blueberry pancakes because blue berries are in season.  I ordered two pancakes (thinking I shouldn't use my loneliness as an excuse to gain 20 pounds).   Blair tried to eat half of one, and we still had to get a box for take home for tomorrow’s breakfast (or late afternoon snack!).  Who ever heard of having a doggy bag for pancakes?!!  As you can see in the picture below, they were the largest, best pancakes I have ever eaten.  Blair went for a more simple breakfast, and ordered 2 eggs, whole wheat toast and 2 slices of bacon.    I know it sounds ridiculous, but his toast was homemade and fantastic, esp with the slab of real butter they put between the pieces.  The bacon was the best I have ever eaten, so much so I had to ask the waitress what kind of bacon it was.  Up until that point, she had been super friendly and nice, but I think I truly stumped her with the bacon question.  I was waiting for her to ask me where I was from, and everyone, I was ready.  I would NEVER throw you guys and Philadelphia under the bus.  I was prepared to lift my head high and tell her New Jersey.  

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