Sunday, August 5, 2012





Today we had a great time exploring the northeastern coastline of Maine while traveling to Rockland, ME's 65th Lobster Festival.  The drive was about 2 hours long on winding roads over beautiful rivers and along the coastline. Never having been to Maine before, we are constantly surprised at the amount of beautiful  rivers here!  While a bit on the warm side for Maine (86 degrees), the cool breezes off the ocean made the day comfortable and very enjoyable.  I'm not sure which part of the day I liked the most, but most certainly a very GOOD part of the day was the fresh lobster we had for lunch and the homemade chocolate ice cream  :)!  Neither of us were exceptionally skilled at cracking the lobster, but being the troopers that we are, we have decided to practice eating lobster until we get it right!! On our way home, we stopped at several beaches, taking pictures of sail boats and ships, and visited a few small shops.  What a beautiful day we were given. 

"This is the day the Lord hath made;  We will rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24.

For those wondering - Margo went to the vet and was very sick.  I am so glad that I took her!  Our new vet is not sure how she got so ill, but she was given antibiotics and an IV because she was so dehydrated.  Happily, it appears that she is past the throwing up stage and even seemed a bit interested in eating, although she is not allowed to eat anything until tomorrow.  She is allowed to begin to drink water tonight, and we are keeping her in our prayers that she is able to keep the water down. 

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